Friday, May 29, 2009

About me...

Alrighty, the day I have been waiting for since the 11th. Bellini is coming tomarrow. Yep thats her name Bellini, Lini for short, it means beautiful small one. She is going to be magnificant.

Well, this blog is to keep track and inform people how Bellin and I are doing. I have a rough horse history and I took a break, got married had a baby and now...I am back!

Tell you a bit about my horse history. I have been riding for 12yrs (Jacksonville, NC). Trained with the same trainer for....10yrs. I started off riding (leasing) a wonderful QH named Ubu, the first true love of my life. He had navicular but we had a good/rough show season as it was difficult to keep him sound. Finally his cost just kept going up so his owner (vet) gave him to a Wonderful family in Cary, NC.

Time to buy my own pony! diamond in the rough. Friend told me about a pony for 500 bucks. We went and looked at her and bought her. I didnt know what I was getting myself into. Well, we had our trouble she ran me into a fence and I broke the cartlidge in my throat...a few months later we got her to where she would trot on a free rein... got reserved champion in our hunter walk trot classes this pony did NOT have a canter. She just couldnt canter. I finally needed something that could CANTER, so I leased Tough Decisions aka! Big beautiful grey TB gelding. 6yo GREEN broke and had trailer issues. Well we had him awhile...a month actually. We rode him 6 days a wk. Took him to a hunter show and won all of our classes. Except one...judge called me back and said..."Your to good of a rider to make a small mistake like that" I bumped him with my outside leg in my EQ. classes. Well after that we thought we had a match...two wks later he just would buck and buck. Trainer and I came to decision that I was not a trainer I was a rider and I dont need a problem like this... later he was sold as a horse who can only be ridden 3 times a wk. Thats what we call a DAMN TB.

At First Instant: Tuff
Boy was he Tuff. He had a minor issue when I got him...nothing major. He didnt want to go forward. We worked through that and were winning classes and jumping courses...shortly after at a lesson it spiralled down hill! It actually got to the point where me and another girl were taking turns riding him. And trying to get him over his bronc bucking...if you could get ur butt in the saddle before he went. Needless to say, he went bye bye and along came:

Miss Terrific Jo:

My darling, a 3yo green broke paint mare. Who helped me get my confidence back. Aw she was a doll. Went to our first show which was a BIG schooling show...she acted like an old pro. She will be forever in my heart and if she ever needs a home...I'd gladly buy her back! I was young a stupid and made mistakes and lost this blessing,

So here I am now. 3yrs later with a warmblood mare coming my way. She is 1/2 percheron, 1/4Tb and 1/4 Fresian. She is 6yo and green broke. I am crossing my fingers and hoping all will be well. But, I should know tomarrow cause she will finally be here!